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posted on monday, october 22, 2018 november 13-16, 2018 national institutes of health 9000 rockville pike building 60, room 162 bethesda, md 20892, usa background next generation sequencing technologies have made genotyping a day to day research and diagnostic tool. genotyping has come all the way from bench-to-bedside. genetic variants are being used in personalized medicine to identify susceptibility genes, common disease variants and mutations relevant for diagnosis and therapy. objectives participants will use popular open source tools and techniques necessary for analysing variants starting from raw data quality control. apart from the regular analysis like alignment, variant calling and annotation, this training will walk through participants in several advanced variant analysis methods and techniques. skill sets taught: ngs basics, experimental design, data format data quality control, preprocessing and alignment germline variant calling somatic variant calling variant score recalibration and filtering variant calling best practices indels, structural and copy-number variation cohort and population scale analysis recombination, linkage, loh, haplotype, allelic imbalance variant annotation and association analysis co-variation, causal variation, network analysis highlights: cloud-based linux desktop training provided by active nih researchers cookbook style bound manual for all exercises direct, after training support through exclusive forum membership continuing education credits education: free webinar: biomedical data, simplified submitted by sahil sethi ; posted on friday, october 19, 2018 our recent webinar on the critical role data science tools and skills play in the advancement of biomedical research and precision medicine. watch now: announcing the start of an online training program designed to empower researchers, clinicians and students to handle their own high-throughput datasets and extracting insights through processing, analysis, machine learning and visualization. learn more: resources: vaccine against major pathogenic species of bacteria submitted by gajendra raghava ; posted on thursday, october 18, 2018 we created a web-based resource on predicted vaccine candidates against major pathogens, and we hope these candidates will be utilized by experimental researchers to develop vaccines against bacterial strains responsible for diseases. paper:[...]/full server: events: symposium on accelerating biology 2019: towards thinking machines submitted by ruma banerjee ; posted on tuesday, september 18, 2018 february 5-7, 2019 indian institute of science education and research (iiser) dr homi bhabha rd pashan, pune maharashtra, india[...]y2019 the bioinformatics group of c-dac is organizing a three-day symposium that will include talks by eminent scientists from academia and industry and will address the challenges in the areas of "personalized medicine, cognitive computing, drug design, big data tools etc." early bird registration closes on 30 november 2018 and poster abstracts can be sent in latest by 4th january 2019, 6 pm. to avail special discount on group registrations (10 participants and above) kindly contact ab2019[at] we encourage participation from students and early-career researchers from diverse fields of microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biotechnology, anthropology, geology and other allied fields. for more information any further quires can be directed to: phone: 020-25503272 email: ab2019[at] interrogate & visualise transcriptomics data, at scale, without support of a bioinformatician submitted by craig smith ; posted on monday, september 10, 2018 genestack has been working on a transcriptomics tool for the pharma/biotech market in collaboration with boehringer ingelheim. in short, it helps biologists interrogate and visualise expression data, at scale, without the support of a bioinformatician. this then allows bioinformaticians to concentrate on things that bring the most benefit to their work. and this is why i'm reaching out to we are inviting industry and academic professionals to get 1-month free early access to this tool and help shape its development through user research. to take part, simply book a "user chat" with a genestack specialist here: . or you can find out more about the tool here:[...]iner/ . resources: prediction of anti-tuberculosis peptides submitted by gajendra raghava ; posted on saturday, september 01, 2018 we are pleased to announce another paper based on web services developed by our group. this server will be useful for researchers working in the field of drug design against tuberculosis. availability server url: article paper link:[...]/full education: hands on training in advanced transcriptomics (rna seq) analysis @ nih submitted by vijayaraj nagarajan ; posted on friday, august 24, 2018 september 25-28, 2018 national institutes of health 9000 rockville pike building 60, room 162 bethesda, md 20892, usa[...]hop-3 objectives apart from performing the routine differential expression analysis using two different suite of tools, this hands-on training will help participants learn advanced rna-seq analysis techniques and tools for detecting snps, fusion genes, allele specific expressions, circular rnas, viral/bacterial sequence identification, alternative polyadenylation and transcriptional regulatory network analysis. highlights participants will use a graphic user interface based linux desktop environment, specially configured for advanced rna-seq analysis in the amazon cloud training provided by experienced active nih researchers cookbook style bound manual for all exercises direct, after training support through exclusive forum membership continuing education credits hands-on skills & tools taught differential expression analysis: new tuxedo tools differential expression analysis: trinity tools fusion gene analysis : star-fusion snp detection : gatk allele specific expression : wasp circular rna identification : circexplorer alternative polyadenylation : dapars viral integration : virusfinder network analysis : cytoscape education: hands on training in bioinformatics for beginners @ nih submitted by vijayaraj nagarajan ; posted on tuesday, august 14, 2018 september 11-14, 2018 national institutes of health 9000 rockville pike building 60, room 162 bethesda, md 20892, usa[...]p;d4= objectives the participants will be provided with end-to-end hands-on training, along with introduction to basic concepts, in using popular tools and techniques for s